Event: Girls' Day

It’s Girl’s & Boy’s day again on March 28th 2019.

— Research Center caesar

How does the life of a scientist look like? How do you identify the compounds of pain killers? How does a neuron work?

These and other exciting questions will be answered during the day.

In our public lab you will analyse your own samples, using the technique of chromatography and identify the compounds of pain killers.

After our lunch break, we will learn about the function and structure of a neuron. A simple electronic circuit will help us to simulate and understand the communication between neurons.

If you are between 11 and 13 years old and are keen to dive into the world of science please write an email to our educational outreach officer Dr. Mia von Scheven (mia.vonscheven@caesar.de).

We are looking forward to seeing you at caesar!

Research Center caesar
Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2
53175 Bonn