Press Release

20 Dec 2018

New publication in "Nature Methods" describes the state of the art in miniature microscopes

Review article on the topic by Jason Kerr and Damian Wallace appears today in "Nature Methods

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Press Release

5 Nov 2018

A light sensor that deactivates neurons

Dr. Reinhard Seifert from research center caesar (Bonn) developed a new tool, jointly with other researchers from all over Germany. The tool is able to deactivate a single neuron with a ray of blue light. A paper about the discovery of this tool was recently published in the scientific journal Nature Communications.

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Press Release

9 Apr 2018

Tiny nanomachine successfully completes test drive

Together with colleagues from the USA, scientists from the University of Bonn and the research institute caesar in Bonn have used nanostructures to construct a tiny machine that constitutes a rotatory motor and can move in a specific direction. The researchers used circular structures from DNA. The results will now be presented in the journal “Nature Nanotechnology”.

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Press Release

31 Mar 2018

From school to lab bench - an insight into the world of science

Great success at this years's Girls' Day & Boys' Day.

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Press Release

5 Feb 2018

7th international caesar conference: “Missing links in neuroscience: Bridging scales in theory and experiment”

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