
The latest from the institute
We would like to share essential research results and latest news from our institute with you.

Neural Information Flow

Research News | 10 Sep 2022

A new method to automatically track locomotion and feeding behavior in populations of C. elegans

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Neurobiology of Flight Control

Research News | 8 Aug 2022

ERC Starting Grant goes to Bettina Schnell for her studies on how tiny fly brains make decisions

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Neural Circuits

Research News | 6 Jul 2022

A virtual reality for flies: A new method for measurements in behaving animals

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Cellular Computations and Learning

Research News | 8 Jun 2022

Focused & flexible: The working memory of single cells during migration

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In Silico Brain Sciences

Research News | 12 Apr 2022

Appropriately wired: Neurons determine the architecture of their networks

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Neural Circuits

Research News | 31 Jan 2022

Watching a fly’s brain live at work for an entire week

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Behavior and Brain Organization

Research News | 9 Nov 2021

Seeing what they see

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Neural Circuits

Research News | 13 Jul 2021

Integration of sleep homeostasis and navigation in Drosophila

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Computational Neuroethology

Research News | 14 May 2021

Permeabilization-free en bloc immunohistochemistry for correlative microscopy

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Computational Neuroethology

Research News | 30 Apr 2021

Double cones and the diverse connectivity of photoreceptors and bipolar cells in an avian retina

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