Max-Planck-Institut - für Neurobiologie des Verhaltens — caesar


Qi, G., Yang, D., Messore, L.F., Bast, A., Yáñez, F., Oberlaender, M., and Feldmeyer, D. (2025). FOXP2-immunoreactive corticothalamic neurons in neocortical layers 6a and 6b are tightly regulated by neuromodulatory systems. IScience 28, 111646. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Harth, P., Udvary, D., Boelts, J., Baum, D., Macke, J.H., Hege, H.-C., and Oberlaender, M. (2024). Dissecting origins of wiring specificity in dense cortical connectomes. bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/2024.12.14.628490. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Luo, X., Rechardt, A., Sun, G., Nejad, K.K., Yáñez, F., Yilmaz, B., Lee, K., Cohen, A.O., Borghesani, V., Pashkov, A., et al. (2024). Large language models surpass human experts in predicting neuroscience results. Nat Hum Behav, DOI: 10.1038/s41562-024-02046-9. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Baum, P., Beinhauer, A., Zirwes, L., Loenneker, L., Jabs, R., Narayanan, R.T., Oberlaender, M., Seifert, G., Kettenmann, H., and Steinhaeuser, C. (2024). Activity dependent modulation of glial gap junction coupling in the thalamus. iScience 27, 111043. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Bast, A., Fruengel, R., de Kock, C.P.J., and Oberlaender, M. (2024). Network-neuron interactions underlying sensory responses of layer 5 pyramidal tract neurons in barrel cortex. PLoS Comput Biol 20, e1011468. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Oberlaender, M. (2023). Anatomical and Physiological Basis for the Flow of Thalamocortical Inputs Across the Layers of the Primary Sensory Cortex. In The Cerebral Cortex and Thalamus, W.M. Usrey, and S.M. Sherman, eds. (Oxford University Press), pp. 55-64. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Meulemeester, B., and Maartens, D. (2023). How sustainable is “common” data science in terms of power consumption? Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 38, 100864. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Boelts, J., Harth, P., Gao, R., Udvary, D., Yanez, F., Baum, D., Hege, H.-C., Oberlaender, M., and Macke, J.H. (2023). Simulation-based inference for efficient identification of generative models in computational connectomics. PLoS Comput. Biol. 19, e1011406. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Manubens-Gil, L., Zhou, Z., Chen, H., Ramanathan, A., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Bria, A., Gillette, T., Ruan, Z., Yang, J., et al. (2023). BigNeuron: a resource to benchmark and predict performance of algorithms for automated tracing of neurons in light microscopy datasets. Nat Methods 20, 824-835. Link to MPG Publication Repository PuRe


Royero, P., Quatraccioni, A., Früngel, R., Silva, M.H., Bast, A., Ulas, T., Beyer, M., Opitz, T., Schultze, J.L., Graham, M.E., Oberlaender, M., Becker, A., Schoch, S., Beck, H. (2022). Circuit-selective cell-autonomous regulation of inhibition in pyramidal neurons by Ste20-like kinase. Cell Rep 41, 111757. Link to MPG Publication Repository PuRe

Udvary, D., Harth, P., Macke, J.H., Hege, H.-C., de Kock, C.P.J., Sakmann, B., and Oberlaender, M. (2022). The impact of neuron morphology on cortical network architecture. Cell Rep 39, 110677. Link to MPG Publication Repository PuRe


De Kock, C.P.J., Pie, J., Pieneman, A.W., Mease, R.A., Bast, A., Guest, J.M., Oberlaender, M., Mansvelder, H.D., and Sakmann, B. (2021). High-frequency burst spiking in layer 5 thick-tufted pyramids of rat primary somatosensory cortex encodes exploratory touch. Commun Biol 4, 709. Link to MPG Publication Repository PuRe


Egger, R., Narayanan, R.T., Guest, J.M., Bast, A., Udvary, D., Messore, L.F., Das, S., De Kock, C.P.J., and Oberlaender, M. (2020). Cortical output is gated by horizontally projecting neurons in the deep layers. Neuron 105, 122-137. Link to MPG PuRe


Leopold, D.A., Strick, P.L., Bassett, D.S., Bruno, R.M., Cuntz, H., Harris, K.M., Oberlaender, M., and Raichle, M.E. (2019). Functional architecture of the cerebral cortex. In The Neocortex, W. Singer, ed. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 141-164. Link to MPG PuRe

Oberlaender, M. (2019). Neuronal morphology and its significance. In The Neocortex, W. Singer, ed. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 125-139. Link to MPG PuRe


Benezra, S.E., Narayanan, R.T., Egger, R., Oberlaender, M., and Long, M.A. (2018). Morphological characterization of HVC projection neurons in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). J Comp Neurol 526, 1673-1689. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Guest, J.M., Seetharama, M.M., Wendel, E.S., Strick, P.L., and Oberlaender, M. (2018). 3D reconstruction and standardization of the rat facial nucleus for precise mapping of vibrissal motor networks. Neuroscience 368, 171-186. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Narayanan, R.T., Udvary, D., and Oberlaender, M. (2017). Cell type-specific structural organization of the six layers in rat barrel cortex. Front Neuroanat 11, 91.

Rojas-Piloni, G., Guest J.M., Egger, R., Johnson, A.S., Sakmann, B., and Oberlaender, M. (2017). Relationships between structure, in vivo function and long-range axonal target of cortical pyramidal tract neurons. Nat Commun 8, 870. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Kornfeld, J., Benezra, S.E., Narayanan, R.T., Svara, F., Egger, R., Oberlaender, M., Denk, W., and Long, M.A. (2017). EM connectomics reveals axonal target variation in a sequence-generating network. Elife 6, e24364. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Landau, I.D., Egger, R., Dercksen, V.J., Oberlaender, M., and Sompolinsky, H. (2016). The impact of structural heterogeneity on excitation-inhibition balance in cortical networks. Neuron 92, 1106-1121.

Narayanan, R.T., Egger, R., de Kock, C.P.J., and Oberlaender, M. (2016). Neuronal cell types in the neocortex [Chapter 9]. In Axons and brain architecture, K.S. Rockland, ed. (San Diego: Academic Press), pp. 183-202. Link to MPG publication repository


Egger, R., Schmitt, A.C., Wallace, D.J., Sakmann, B., Oberlaender, M., and Kerr, J.N. (2015). Robustness of sensory-evoked excitation is increased by inhibitory inputs to distal apical tuft dendrites. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112, 14072-14077. Link to MPG publication repository

Egger, R., and Oberlaender, M. (2015). Cell Types in the cerebral cortex: an overview from the rat vibrissal cortex. In Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. A.W. Toga, ed. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Academic Press), Vol 2, pp. 59-64. Link to MPG PuRe publication repository

Narayanan, R.T., Egger, R., Johnson, A.S., Mansvelder, H.D., Sakmann, B., de Kock, C.P., and Oberlaender, M. (2015). Beyond columnar organization: cell type- and target layer-specific principles of horizontal axon projection patterns in rat vibrissal cortex. Cereb. Cortex 25, 4450-4468. Link to MPG PuRe publiaction database


Egger, R., Dercksen, V., De Kock, C., and Oberlaender, M. (2014). Reverse engineering the 3D structure and sensory-evoked signal flow of rat vibrissal cortex. In The computing dendrite: From structure to function, H. Cuntz, M.W.H. Remme, and B. Torben-Nielsen, eds (New York, NY, USA: Springer), pp. 127-145. Link to PuRe - the MPG publication repository

Egger, R., Dercksen, V.J., Udvary, D., Hege, H.C., and Oberlaender, M. (2014). Generation of dense statistical connectomes from sparse morphological data. Front Neuroanat 8, 129. Link to MPG PuRe publication repository

Dercksen, V.J., Hege, H.C., and Oberlaender, M. (2014). The filament editor: an interactive software environment for visualization, proof-editing and analysis of 3D neuron morphology. Neuroinformatics 12, 325-339. Link to MPG PuRe publication repository

Haberl, M., da Silva, S.V., Guest, J.M., Ginger, K., Ghanem, A., Mulle, C., Oberlaender, M., Conzelmann, K., and Frick, A. (2014). An anterograde rabies virus vector for high-resolution large-scale reconstruction of 3D neuron morphology. Brain Struct Funct 220, 1369-1379. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository


Meyer, H.S,, Egger, R., Guest, J.M., Foerster, R., Reissl, S., and Oberlaender, M. (2013). Cellular organization of cortical barrel columns is whisker-specific. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110, 19113-19118. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository


Egger, R., Narayanan, R.T., Helmstaedter, .M, de Kock, C.P.J., and Oberlaender, M. (2012). 3D reconstruction and standardization of rat vibrissal cortex for precise registration of single neuron morphology. PLoS Comput Biol 8, e1002837. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository

Oberlaender, M., Ramirez, A., and Bruno, R.M. (2012). Sensory experience restructures thalamocortical axons during adulthood. Neuron 74, 648-655. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository

Dercksen, V.J., Oberlaender, M., Sakmann, B., and Hege, H.C. (2012). Interactive Visualization as a key prerequisite for reconstruction of anatomically realistic neural networks. In Visualization in medical and life sciences II: Progress and new challenges, L. Linsen, H. Hagen, B. Hamann, and H.-C. Hege, eds (Berlin, Germany: Springer), pp. 27-44. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository

Oberlaender, M, de Kock, C.P., Bruno, R.M., Ramirez, A., Meyer, H.S., Dercksen, V.J., Helmstaedter, M., and Sakmann, B. (2012). Cell type-specific three-dimensional structure of thalamocortical circuits in a column of rat vibrissal cortex. Cereb Cortex 22, 2375-2391. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository


Oberlaender, M., Boudewijns, Z.S., Kleele, T., Mansvelder, H.D., Sakmann, B., and de Kock, C.P. (2011). Three-dimensional axon morphologies of individual layer 5 neurons indicate cell type-specific intracortical pathways for whisker motion and touch. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108, 4188-4193. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository

Lang, S., Dercksen, V.J., Sakmann, B., and Oberlaender, M. (2011). Simulation of signal flow in 3D reconstructions of anatomically realistic neural networks. Neural Netw 24, 998-1011. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository

Kleinfeld, D., Bharioke, A., Blinder, P., Bock, D.D., Briggman, K.L., Chklovskii, D.B., Denk, W., Helmstaedter, M., Kaufhold, J.P., Lee, W.C., Meyer, H.S.M., Micheva, K.D., Oberlaender, M., Prohaska, S., Reid, R.C., Smith, S.J., Takemura, S., Tsai, P.S., and Sakmann, B. (2011). Large-scale automated histology in the pursuit of connectomes. J Neurosci 31, 16125-16138. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository

Boudewijns, Z.S.R.M., Kleele, T., Mansvelder, H.D., Sakmann, B., de Kock, C.P.J., and Oberlaender, M. (2011). Semi-automated three-dimensional reconstructions of individual neurons reveal cell type-specific circuits in cortex. Commun Integr Biol 4, 486-488. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository


Meyer, H.S.M., Wimmer, V.C., Oberlaender, M., de Kock, C.P.J., Sakmann, B., and Helmstaedter, M. (2010). Number and laminar distribution of neurons in a thalamocortical projection column of rat vibrissal cortex. Cereb Cortex 20, 2277-2286. Link to MPG PuRe - the MPG publication repository

Oberlaender, M., Dercksen, V.J., Egger, R., Gensel, M., Sakmann, B., and Hege, H.C. (2009). Automated three-dimensional detection and counting of neuron somata. J Neurosci Methods 180, 147-160. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Oberlaender, M., Broser, P.J., Sakmann, B., and Hippler, S. (2009). Shack-Hartmann wave front measurements in cortical tissue for deconvolution of large 3D mosaic transmitted light brightfield micrographs. J Microsc 233, 275-289. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Oberlaender, M., Bruno, R.M., Sakmann, B., and Broser, P.J. (2007). Transmitted light brightfield mosaic microscopy for three-dimensional tracing of single neuron morphology. J Biomed Opt 12, 064029. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Conference articles, comments and contribution to textbooks

Leopold, D.A., Strick, P.L., Bassett, D.S., Bruno, R.M., Cuntz, H., Harris, K.M., Oberlaender, M., and Raichle, M.E. (2019). Functional architecture of the cerebral cortex. In The neocortex, W. Singer, T.J. Sejnowski, and P. Rakic, eds. (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press), pp. 141-164. Link to MPG PuRe database

Oberlaender, M. (2019). Neuronal morphology and its significance. In The neocortex, W. Singer, T.J. Sejnowski, and P. Rakic, eds. (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press), pp. 125-139. Link to MPG PuRe database

Barth, A., Burkhalter, A., Callaway, E.M., Connors, B.W., Cauli, B., DeFelipe, J., Feldmeyer, D., Freund, T., Kawaguchi, Y., Kisvarday, Z., Kubota, Y., McBain, C., Oberlaender, M., Rossier, J., Rudy, B., Staiger, J.F., Somogyi, P., Tamas, G., and Yuste, R. (2016). Comment on "Principles of connectivity among morphologically defined cell types in adult neocortex". Science 353, 1108. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Dercksen, V., Egger, R., Hege, H.-C., and Oberlaender, M. (2012). Synaptic connectivity in anatomically realistic neural networks: modeling and visual analysis. In Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, T. Ropinski, A. Ynnerman, C. Botha, and J. Roerdink, eds. (Goslar, Germany: Eurographics Association), pp. 17-24. Link to MPG PuRe database

Dercksen, V., Weber, B., Gunther, D., Oberlaender, M., Prohaska, S., and Hege, H.-C. (2009). Automatic alignment of stacks of filament data. In 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, (Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE), pp. 971-974. Link to MPG PuRe database