testseite - colored teaser and Infoboxes

colored teaser


Suspendisse enim turpis

Signaling pathways in sperm of A. punctulata (upper panel) and humans (lower panel). Questionmarks above dashed lines in the lower panel indicate that the mechanism of how ΔpHi is produced and the hyperpolarization by Slo3 has not been firmly established. Solid lines indicate that the action of ΔpHi on CatSper and of ΔpHi and Ca2+ on Slo3 activity has been firmly established.

Suspendisse enim turpis

Signaling pathways in sperm of A. punctulata (upper panel) and humans (lower panel). Questionmarks above dashed lines in the lower panel indicate that the mechanism of how ΔpHi is produced and the hyperpolarization by Slo3 has not been firmly established. Solid lines indicate that the action of ΔpHi on CatSper and of ΔpHi and Ca2+ on Slo3 activity has been firmly established.

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