Veranstaltung: Neuroscience Seminar Series
Neuroscience Seminar Series: Richard Hahnloser
It is our pleasure to invite you to a neuroscience seminar entitled ”Computational ethology of birdsong, or: What songbirds can teach us about the basis of behavior” by Prof. Richard Hahnloser, Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich on Monday, November 4th at 11 am, in the media room.
What are neural computations, and how do they give rise to animal behavior? Can we study behavior to infer the computations performed by the brain? Is the main goal of neuroscience to localize the known computations and to uncover their implementation details?
Richard Hahnloser’s research group is interested in brain functions that can be characterized by a computational goal encompassing sensory inputs and motor outputs. Their favorite examples are vocal production and vocal learning, which they study in songbirds using reductionist experimental and theoretical approaches.