Institute News

Postdoc Appreciation Week - F*ck Up Night Recap

As part of Postdoc Appreciation Week, our event "F*ck Up Night - When Failure makes you a better Scientist" was a fantastic success, marking the second time we’ve held this event. With insightful and entertaining talks, three brilliant speakers shared their personal experiences of failure and the lessons they’ve learned.

Ulrich Ettinger kicked off the evening with his talk titled "Failure is an Option." He offered a captivating and informative perspective on the neurobiological and cognitive psychology foundations of why failure is a critical part of success. With a great mix of humor and scientific insights, Ulrich’s talk set the perfect tone for the evening—particularly when he cleverly linked his ideas to the movie "Love Actually." Graziana Gatto shared her journey to becoming a successful group leader, highlighting the struggles she faced along the way. Courageously, she presented her CV of Failures, giving the audience a rare glimpse into the many rejections and challenges behind every achievement. Graziana also shared valuable "Ground Truths", offering advice on job interviews, combating imposter syndrome, and identifying red flags when applying for positions such as postdoc roles. Nestor Timonidis delivered a highly entertaining and relatable talk titled "Collabs from Hell," in which he described a challenging collaboration experience. His honest, detailed storytelling resonated with the audience, and his practical tips for navigating similar situations in research were much appreciated.

The International Club of the University of Bonn provided the ideal venue—centrally located, modern, and the perfect size for our group of nearly 40 participants. The lively discussions, thought-provoking questions, and relaxed atmosphere fostered an open and trusting environment where everyone felt comfortable sharing their own experiences with failure.

This event, as part of Postdoc Appreciation Week, was a celebration of the perseverance and dedication of postdocs, reflecting the core message of the week: that perseverance is key to scientific success. It offered researchers a valuable opportunity to connect, share experiences, and support one another.

A big thank you to our supporters: NeurotechEU for the delicious pizza and Proteintech and Pint of Science Germany for providing drinks. It was an evening filled with valuable insights, laughter, and community spirit. Thank you to everyone who joined us!

U. Brus | NeurotechEU

Our speakers and organizer. From left to right: Nestor Timonidis, Graziana Gatto, Julia Schlee, Ulrich Ettinger.