Press Releases

The latest from the institute
We are happy to share essential research results and latest news from our institute with you.

Press Release

20 Jul 2020

Summer school opens insight into neuro research

The Corona pandemic particularly affects the education of schoolchildren. Not only is learning in schools severely restricted. Excursions and extracurricular learning opportunities are also hardly feasible. A special online summer school offered by the caesar research centre fills this gap. There are still places available for the course from 03 - 06 August 2020.

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Press Release

3 Jun 2020

Newly discovered ion channel family makes fish sperm move

Fish live in fresh and sea water. How does their sperm adapt to the different habitats?

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Press Release

4 May 2020

Observing the freely behaving brain: new publication in "Nature Methods"

Scientists working at caesar have developed a small head-mounted microscope that allows access to the inner workings of the brain. The new system enables measurement of activity from neuronal populations located in the deep cortical layer with single-cell resolution, in an animal that is freely behaving.

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Press Release

28 Apr 2020

New resarch group: "Cellular Computations and Learning"

New group researches information processing in cells.

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Press Release

29 Nov 2019

Jason Kerr appointed professor for „Behavior and Brain Organization”

The appointment further fortifies the partnership between research center caesar and the University of Bonn.

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Press Release

26 Nov 2019

Traffic lights for perception

caesar scientists of the “In Silico Brain Sciences” group discovered how information in the brain is relayed.

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Press Release

19 Nov 2019

New research group on magnetoreception in animals

Pascal Malkemper researches a sense that feels like magic: magnetoreception

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Press Release

1 Oct 2019

How does the brain coordinate behavior? New research group at caesar

The group „Neural Information Flow“ (led by Dr. Monika Scholz) utilizes the nematode C. elegans, to understand fundamental principles of information transfer within neuronal networks.

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Press Release

9 Jul 2019

Students explore the world of neuroscience

Neuroscience for schools - the caesar public lab offers workshops for high school secondary level I and II

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Press Release

6 May 2019

Bessel rays illuminate structures in 3D

A new publication by caesar scientists Andres Flores Valle and Johannes Seelig in „Optics Express“: bessel rays allow for the illumination of an object from different angles.

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