Max Planck Institute - for neurobiology of behavior — caesar


Liu, J., Bonnard, E., and Scholz, M. (2024). Adapting and optimizing GCaMP8f for use in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 228, iyae125. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Ding, S.S., Fox, J.L., Gordus, A., Joshi, A., Liao, J.C., and Scholz, M. (2024). Fantastic beasts and how to study them: rethinking experimental animal behavior. J Exp Biol 227, jeb247003. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Haspel, G., Boyden, E.S., Brown, J., Church, G., Cohen, N., Fang-Yen, C., Flavell, S., Goodman, M.B., Hart, A.C., Hobert, O., [...] Scholz, M. et al. (2023). To reverse engineer an entire nervous system. arXiv, 2308.06578. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Hanke, W., Alenfelder, J., Liu, J., Gutbrod, P., Kehraus, S., Crüsemann, M., Dörmann, P., Kostenis, E., Scholz, M., and König, G.M. (2023). The Bacterial Gq Signal Transduction Inhibitor FR900359 Impairs Soil-Associated Nematodes. J Chem Ecol 49, 549–569. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Malkemper, E.P., Pikulik, P., Krause, T.L., Liu, J., Zhang, L., Hamauei, B., and Scholz, M. (2023). C. elegans is not a robust model organism for the magnetic sense. Commun Biol 6, 242. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Bonnard, E., Liu, J., Zjacic, N., Alvarez, L., and Scholz, M. (2022). Automatically tracking feeding behavior in populations of foraging C. elegans. Elife 11, e77252. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Zjacic, N., and Scholz, M. (2022). The role of food odor in invertebrate foraging. Genes Brain Behav 21, e12793. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Hallinen, K.M., Dempsey, R., Scholz, M., Yu, X., Linder, A., Randi, F., Sharma, A., Shaevitz, J.W., and Leifer, A.M. (2021). Decoding locomotion from population neural activity in moving C. elegans. Elife 10, e66135 Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Liu, J., and Scholz, M. (2020). Neural circuits: turning away from danger. Elife 9, e59910. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Scholz, M, Weirich, K.L., Gardel, M.L., and Dinner, A.R. (2020). Tuning molecular motor transport through cytoskeletal filament network organization. Soft Matter 16, 2135-2140. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Scholz, M. (2017). Developing a quantitative description of feeding behavior and its response to perturbations. PhD Thesis. The University of Chicago. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Sanders, J., Scholz, M., Merutka, I., and Biron, D. (2017). Distinct unfolded protein responses mitigate or mediate effects of nonlethal deprivation of C. elegans sleep in different tissues. BMC biology 15, 67. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Scholz, M., Dinner, A.R., Levine, E., and Biron, D. (2017). Stochastic feeding dynamics arise from the need for information and energy. PNAS 114, 9261-9266. Link to MPG publication database PuRe

Lee, K.S., Iwanir, S., Kopito, R.B., Scholz, M., Calarco, J.A., Biron, D., and Levine, E. (2017). Serotonin-dependent kinetics of feeding bursts underlie a graded response to food availability in C. elegans. Nat commun 8, 1-11. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Scholz, M., Burov, S., Weirich, K.L., Scholz, B.J., Ali Tabei, S. M., Gardel, M.L., and Dinner, A.R. (2016). Cycling state that can lead to glassy dynamics in intracellular transport. Phys Rev X 6, 011037.

Gibbons, S.M., Scholz, M., Hutchison, A.L., Dinner, A.R., Gilbert, J.A., and Coleman, M.L. (2016). Disturbance regimes predictably alter diversity in an ecologically complex bacterial system. mBio 7, e01372-16

Scholz, M., Lynch, D.J., Lee, K.S., Levine, E., and Biron, D. (2016). A scalable method for automatically measuring pharyngeal pumping in C. elegans. J Neurosci Methods 274, 172-178. Link to MPG publication database PuRe


Boecking, F., Scholz, M. (2015). Did the nationalist government manipulate the Chinese bond market? A quantitative perspective on short-term price fluctuations of domestic government bonds, 1932–1934. Front Hist China 10, 126-144.


Bowne‐Anderson, H., Zanic, M., Kauer, M., and Howard, J. (2013). Microtubule dynamic instability: a new model with coupled GTP hydrolysis and multistep catastrophe. Bioessays 35, 452-461.