Max Planck Institute - for neurobiology of behavior — caesar


About the institute

The Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar (MPINB) in Bonn focuses on basic research in neuroethology. The international team of researchers studies the link between brain activity and animal behavior. In cooperation with the local university and research organizations, the MPINB trains the next generation of neuroethologists.

About our research

Since 2022, the MPI for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar (MPINB) is one of the 86 Max Planck Institutes. As the name implies, the institute's research focus is on Neuroethology, the study of how an animal's nervous system produces behavior. Research at the MPINB is interdisciplinary and spans from imaging neural circuits at the nanoscale to analyzing neural activity during naturalistic behavior in freely moving animals.

Watch this short video about our research mission.

The MPINB has two research departments and seven independent research groups (as of Feb 2023). The institute is part of a cluster for neurosciences in the Bonn-Cologne region and has multiple ties with the University of Bonn and the University of Cologne. It is part of the Bonn Research Alliance BORA. In collaboration with the University of Bonn and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), it runs the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Brain and Behavior to train the next generation of outstanding scientists.

The MPINB is run by the two scientific directors Jason Kerr and Kevin Briggman. The current managing director is Kevin Briggman. The Scientific Advisory Board evaluates the institute and gives scientific advice.