Press Release

From school to lab bench - an insight into the world of science

31 Mar 2018 at 08:40

Great success at this years’s Girls‘ Day & Boys’ Day.

During our one-day event 8 pupils from different schools within Bonn got a real insight into the world of science at caesar and what it is like to be a scientist.

In a hands-on approach our group identified the compounds of various pain releavers, using chromatography and learned how to evaluate their own data.

Our pupils then had the chance to learn how electrone microscopes are working and how to prepare a sample in order to use this cutting-edge technique.

Everyone really enjoyed the hands-on experiments and we had lively discussion during the sessions.

We received fantastic feedback and it was a very enjoyable day for everyone.

For further information please contact:

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New Mathematical Framework to Understand Dynamics of Natural Systems

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26 Jul 2024

New Mathematical Framework to Understand Dynamics of Natural Systems

A team of researchers has developed a new mathematical framework that describe, for the first time, how long transient behaviors might occur in complex systems. They introduce ghost channels and ghost cycles as novel objects that explain how natural systems can be stable over prolonged period of time, yet still be able to rapidly switch to another state. This might help us understand tipping cascades, such as those affecting biodiversity or the consequences of ice melt in the Arctic, but also neuronal dynamics that governs how we encode taste, for example.



31 May 2024

Bonn Science Night 2024 - we were there!

We participated in the local Bonn Science Night on May 17, 2024. We introduced our research mission and, together with the Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, showcased basic research at the Max Planck Society. We had a fantastic time and are grateful to our many visitors for their interest and very positive feedback!
