Max Planck Institute - for neurobiology of behavior — caesar

James Lightfoot

Genetics of Behavior

We explore the evolution of complex behaviors by investigating behavioral diversity across comparative nematode species.

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Animals display a remarkable diversity of behaviors which are evident even between closely related species. However, there is currently only a limited understanding for the mechanisms facilitating the emergence of novel behavioral traits. In particular, the absence of comparative organisms as well as their phylogenetic context has prevented a full understanding of the genetic, molecular and neuronal contribution to these evolutionary events.

In my research group, we aim to overcome these difficulties by exploring the divergent behaviors observed between the free-living round worms, Caenorhabditis elegans and Pristionchus pacificus. These two nematodes last shared a common ancestor >120 million years ago and accordingly, there are an array of behavioral differences between these species. We are currently focusing on their feeding behaviors as while C. elegans is a microbial feeder, P. pacificus is omnivorous and uses teeth-like structures to predate on other nematodes. Alongside this, they have also evolved a robust kin-recognition system to prevent them from killing their own offspring and close relatives. Therefore, as many genetic tools are available in both organisms, we are determining the molecular and cellular innovations which contribute to their behavioral adaptations and additionally are investigating how these changes are incorporated into their nervous system.

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